God continued to direct us in other ways.  In 2014 the CCM Leadership Team and the CCM body at the Leadership Summit held in Hartselle Alabama set goals and goal measures.  These will continue to guide CCM as we traverse the future, led by God.

Goal 1:  Invite People to Christ

Goal 1 Measures:

Annually Increase participation in all CCM Events by 25% with new individuals.

Goal 1 Strategies:

     More Local (Cell groups, treasure hunts)

More Outreach/Invitation within encounters, within Celebrations; yearly Mission Trips

More flexibility in venues, locations and purposes

More partnering:  First Peoples, Restoration groups

More children, youth, and young adult involvement

Goal 2:  We seek to respond to the Holy Spirit in ALL INTERACTIONS to promote healing, love, repentance, peace, and reconciliation.

Goal 2 Measures:

     Fruits of the Spirit including:   Healings,  Testimonies (Stories, Articles), Increased Membership

     Increased participation in teaching, leading, Mentoring and commissioning others and their gifts,

     Healing of spirit, personal peace

Goal 2 Strategies:

We are sensitive to and follow as best we can the direction of Holy Spirit in all of life including all events, meetings, interactions with everyone.


The CCM Leadership Team also created our roles and responsibilities based on the goals and the giftedness of team members.  Until our next CCMLT face to face team meeting in January 2016, here are the current leaders and their roles.

Team Member:  Aubrey Price, Role:  Spiritual Servant

Team Member:  Nancy Knight, Role:  Healing Servant

Team Member:  Linda Stephen, Role:  Secretary Servant

Team Member:  Lisa Rosser, Role:  Treasurer Servant

Team Member:  Mike Stacy, Role:  Invitation Servant

Team Member:  Rick Rosser, Role:  R&D Servant

Team Member:  Scott Norwood, Role:  Communication Servant

Team Member:  Caitlyn Barbour, Role:  Youth Ministry Servant

Team Member:  Laurie Romig, Role:  CCM Leadership Team Leader Servant

Team Member:  Karin Peter, Role:  Community of Christ Liaison Servant